Final Project Idea

01 Nov 2020


Although there’s a wide range of information on COVID-19 available on the internet, it can be hard to find exactly what you need. There’s currently no easy way to find the most up-to-date and accurate information about COVID-19 for Hawaii residents and visitors. Even within just government-sponsored websites like and, there’s just too much to look through. The call centers available are currently overloaded with people asking questions like “Where is the nearest testing center?” or “What do I do if my family member tested positive?”

The goal of this project is to provide a one-stop-shop for COVID-19 information related to Hawaii. Besides the chatbot itself which is going to use the Dialogflow Google Cloud Service, we plan to implement two other pages accessible to the admin that allow for easy maintenance of this bot.

  1. An “Add Intents” page where the admin can fill out a form with fields like “Intent Name”, “Training Phrases”, and “End Response”.

  2. A “View Intents” page where the admin can view all intents currently supported by the bot. On this page they can also select an “edit” button which brings them to a form where they can edit the different fields, and a “delete” button where they can delete the selected intent.

Use case ideas

Beyond the basics

After implementing and integrating the chatbot to our website, here are some advanced features that could be in scope of the project:

This essay was collaboratively written by Eric Lam, Irene Ma, Shane Severino, and Alyssandra Cabading.